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Preparing For Persecution X

 There was a good twenty years during the Communist rule of Romania where anyone who turned in an individual suspected of being a believer would get extra food rations as a reward. It may not seem like much to us today since, for the most part, a fully stocked grocery store is a few minutes drive away, but back in the day, the shelves of every store were bare, and all you had was what the government gave you as far as foodstuffs were concerned.

Those living in the country and the villages had an easier time because they could raise chickens, goats, pigs, or cows, plant some vegetables, or have a couple of fruit trees on their property, but even they had to count on the system for things such as flour, sugar, oil, and other essentials for survival.

There was no shortage of people being turned in to the secret police for an extra ration of sugar or oil, many by their kin, by wives, husbands, daughters, and sons, and though those individuals were only supposed to be called in for questioning, if they remained faithful to Jesus, and did not deny their faith, being put to death was not outside the realm of possibility. When you get sent to a work camp where the survival rate is less than half, you could say you were being put to death at least half the time.

People keep talking about the guillotine as though it were the pinnacle of suffering, but there are far worse ways to go than by beheading. There are countless souls whose names we will never know who endured to the end, being slowly starved out of existence, beaten, tortured, and abused in ways few of us can imagine. We may never know their names, but God does, and one day, they will receive their martyr’s crown as is fitting.

Just because we have it easy doesn’t mean everyone else does, nor does it mean that we will have it easy in perpetuity. There is such an animus being fomented against the children of God currently that those turning you in won’t need any incentive than to be rid of you to go and report your anti-social activities. How dare you not stand on the street waving a rainbow flag while perverts and pederasts perform lewd acts in public? How dare you try to avert your children’s gaze when grown adults are walking other adults on leashes naked as the day they were born? There’s got to be something wrong with you. Why don’t you want to be loving and inclusive?

If you don’t participate in the experiment, you are automatically against it. There is no neutral party, no conscientious observer, not with something so important. Pick a side, and you better pick the right one; otherwise, you’ll suffer the consequences of your actions. What is the new narrative? Free speech is free, but it’s not consequence-free. You can say whatever you want, but if you say the wrong thing, we’ll take away your bank account, your platforms, your voice, and sooner than some might think, your freedom and your life. Don’t say no one ever warned you because I just did. Do with it what you will!

The sad reality is that most of the church has been cowed and brought to heel even before the persecution has started. The holdouts will now become the target, with the aid of those who name the name of Jesus but are not of Him, and your persecution will be justified because you will be demonized, ostracized, and branded an enemy of the common good.

If we have to prune the tree of a few bad apples, it would be criminal not to, wouldn’t it? Even though the bad apples, the instigators, the troublemakers they’ll be referring to are little old ladies who just want to be left alone, the narrative will be spun in such a way that you’d think that arthritic octogenarian was a blood-thirsty psychopath.

We can’t have you disrupting the indoctrination of the masses with common sense and reason. That just won’t do! Little Billy is a poodle because he says he is. Look at the little darling; he’s even trying to lick himself clean and everything. How dare you, you unfeeling, uncaring, intolerant monster?

Before you think it could never come to that, I would ask that you look back and see how far we’ve come in the last decade. That should put a hitch in your giddy-up. Understand that evil doesn’t have an end in mind. It devours, corrupts, and destroys until there is nothing left to devour, corrupt, or destroy. There is no end in sight to the depravity, and anyone who believes otherwise is fooling themselves.

We’ve already seen the test runs, and they seem promising. Generally speaking, for the most part, people will do what they’re told by perceived authority, even if what they’re told to do makes no rational sense. Shrink wrap grandma’s head so she doesn’t cough on you, stand six feet apart because seven feet is one foot too far, become a shut-in, and have no contact with the outside world. Churches are a danger zone, but liquor stores and weed shops are as safe as a mother’s bosom. Need I go on? And people obeyed; they submitted, and anyone who questioned any of the lunacy was summarily ostracized.

During the peak of the craziness, I told the ministry staff that I would agree to go and speak in any church, anywhere, that asked for me to come and that was still holding live services. It would be on my own dime, and although I never do, I would not require an offering or anything of the sort. There was one church in Michigan that asked for me to come and speak, and I did it gladly because I have the utmost respect for Shepherds who shepherd not only when life is good, and the sun is shining but when times get hard and the threat of reprimand for doing good looms large. Yes, there were others who defied ordinances and rules created from whole cloth by petty tyrants, and they proved their mettle by doing so.

At the risk of sounding conspiratorial, I would wager that every one of those pastors and churches who kept their doors open and did not obey without question are on a list somewhere for the next time an existential planetary threat that has now been declared no more dangerous than the common flu arises. After all, you must beta-test a program before going live and work out the bugs along the way. What was pales compared to what will be, and those who folded once will likely fold again.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea, Jr. 

Posted on 15 April 2024 | 10:42 am

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